7 translators of Albanian language cooperate with us
The easiest way to get in touch with us is of course via email. We check our emails 24 hours a day. Should you have any questions, please contact us using our
online contact form.

Average rates for
translating and interpreting
from and to
Albanian language

Type | Type of translation | Rate per word |
Type 1 | Written translation | 0.09 EUR |
Type 2 | Urgent translation | 0.10 EUR |
Type 3 | Express translation | 0.12.EUR |
Type 4 | Night Service | 0.13 EUR |
Type 5 | Proofreading | 0.06 EUR |
Type 6 | Technical translation | 0.10 EUR |
Type 7 | Confirmed translation | 0.09 EUR |
All the above mentioned prices are only approximate. Send your enquiry to us now in order to receive final binding offer. |
offer firm delivery

Type | Type of translation | Deadline |
Type 1 | Written translation | up to 72 hours |
Type 2 | Urgent translation | up to 48 hours |
Type 3 | Express translation | as soon as possible |
Type 4 | Night Service | AVAILABLE - click here |
Type 5 | Proofreading | up to 48 hours |
Quick, comfortable, modern, reliable and professional worldwide translation services

Thanks to the Internet and state-of-the-art technologies we work with translators from around the globe on a regular basis.

Please see our
price list, as well as
terms and conditions for
translation and
interpretation services.
We have the best
price offer on the
market, and you can really
count on our assistance,
even if you need a
translation from
Zulu into
Punjabi. Thanks to the
Internet and
technologies we work with
translators from around the
globe on a regular basis.

The highest quality translation services at competitive prices! Try our services and become a satisfied customer.

With modern computer-assisted software (e.g. SDL Trados Studio) we can offer you the best quality at a reasonable price. For each customer/company we create individual vocabulary and terminology databases which improves speed and accuracy. All your projects are processed using such memory software to ensure consistency of terminology and style.

Gjuha shqipe

Shpėrndarja e gjuhės
shqipe. Shqipja, si gjuhė
moderne, pėrfaqėson njė degė
mė vete nė familjen e
gjuhėve indo-evropiane.
Shkruhet me shkronja latine.
Gjuha shqipe pėrfshin gjuhėn
standarde ose gjuhėn e
njėsuar letrare shqipe, e
cila u miratua nė Kongresin
e Drejtshkrimit tė Shqipes
nė vitin 1972 nė Tiranė, dhe
tė gjitha dialektet,
nėndialektet e tė folurat qė
fliten nga shqiptarėt. Gjuha
shqipe ka dy dialekte
kryesore: gegėrishten,
toskėrishten, dhe njė
kronolekt: arbėrishten.
Fjalori i shqipes ka disa
huazime nga greqishtja e
lashtė, si dhe nga
latinishtja; huazimet pastaj
vazhdojnė nga gjuhėt
sllavo-jugore, greqishtja
dhe osmanishtja, si dhe nga
italishtja e frėngjishtja
dhe gjuhėt tjera. Aktualisht
gjithnjė vijnė duke u shtuar
huazimet nga anglishtja.

We warmly invite you to cooperate with us. We do hope you will become another satisfied customer. Contact us now here.